
Das postmortale Projekt: "Cafe Con Leche". Internet billing Software.

Some Cafe Operators yet use the Cafe Con Leche , an Internet Cafe Software, which suffers under unfinished features. The most annoying of it, is that the Lockscreen does not cover the running application, especially 3D-Games, after its session. Furthermore, a view customers, knowing that CCL does not mute the sound, starts intentionally music at the end of their session, which continues to play even the CCL-Client did already close. I'm the first person here, who gives these Tips to the public, how to eliminate those two problems. You can thank me for this, by writing a comment at the bottom end. I use myself Xubuntu in my Cafe and the modified CCL does a good Job, since over a half year now. Today we are writing June 29, 2011. Even mkahawa lacked those features. If the maker of it asserts something else, then kick hes ass in my name. This Post is just an partial accomplishment to the real how to in installing the CCL software. Look here: