Das postmortale Projekt: "Cafe Con Leche". Internet billing Software.

Some Cafe Operators yet use the Cafe Con Leche, an Internet Cafe Software, which suffers under unfinished features. The most annoying of it, is that the Lockscreen does not cover the running application, especially 3D-Games, after its session.

Furthermore, a view customers, knowing that CCL does not mute the sound, starts intentionally music at the end of their session, which continues to play even the CCL-Client did already close.

I'm the first person here, who gives these Tips to the public, how to eliminate those two problems. You can thank me for this, by writing a comment at the bottom end. I use myself Xubuntu in my Cafe and the modified CCL does a good Job, since over a half year now. Today we are writing June 29, 2011.

Even mkahawa lacked those features. If the maker of it asserts something else, then kick hes ass in my name.

This Post is just an partial accomplishment to the real how to in installing the CCL software. Look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=777093

The changes should be made in the CCL Client Code before the compiling.
CCL is a C++ Project. At first open the file locker.cpp with an Editor of your choice.

Find the function "Locker::lock()". Each Procedure and Function starts with the sign "{" and ends with "}". So be careful to put the code inside the function and not outside, which would mean, that the code tries to be executet once by starting the software at all. Add the following code-lines:

   system("amixer set Master 0% -q");
  system("kill $(pgrep skype)");
  system("kill $(pgrep pidgin)");
  system("kill $(pgrep npviewer.bin)");

The first line turns the Master-Volume down to 0. Depending on your sound card, it could be also "system("amixer set PCM 0% -q");"
The second kills skype, which has to close, if the session is finished.
The third line kills pidgin, which otherwise continues to popup messages over the screenlock.
The last line kills the firefox adobe flash player, which mostly keeps the browser downloading any youtube-video or flashgame, even after the session. Users had discover that waiting in front of the closed session and opening it later by paying will give'em a fully loaded youtube video. The only method to save and offer the newly freed bandwidth to other active users, in a bandwidth-limited cafe is this code-line number 4.

Search for the Function "Locker::unlock()"
Therein add this line:
system("amixer set Master 100% -q");
or (but never both)
system("amixer set PCM 100% -q");

depending on your Soundcard, causes the sound to come back for the new session.

Now save and close the "locker.cpp".
As next we need the file "cclcfox.cpp"

Search for "if (active) {". It belongs to the function "CCLCFox::onTimer(FXObject*,FXSelector,void*)"
Add two code-lines after it:
    if (clientwin->shown()) clientwin->raise();

This should cause the CCL-Client to stay over the application, no matter which one has the focus.

As next search for "CCLCFox::showInfo()".
Add therein:

Save the file and continue compiling it on your client computer.


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